Mango Coconut Jelly


#mango layer

400 g   mango                (2 large mangos) 

300 g   orange  to make juice   

300 ml  water                  

2 tsp   agar agar              

70 g    sugar                  

1 tbsp  lime  juice             

#coconut layer                        

160 ml  water                  

1 tsp   agar agar              

4 tbsp  sugar                  

pinch   salt                   

160 ml  coconut milk   


#For the mango layer: 

Cut the mango flesh into 1 cm cubes, and separate into two halves.  Add half the mango into a blender, with the orange juice and process until smooth. 

In a small saucepan, add water and agar agar.  Bring to the boil, stirring frequently.

Add sugar and mango purée and whisk. 

Pour the mango mixture into a mould.

Add the remaining mango cubes into the mango base. Leave until set. 

#For the coconut layer: 

Combine water and agar agar powder and bring to the boil, stirring frequently. 

Add sugar, salt, and stir until dissolved. 

Add coconut milk, and remove from heat.

Once the surface of the mango layer has set, gently pour the coconut layer over the back of a spoon onto the mango base.   Refrigerate for a few hours and when cold, cut into cubes with a sharp knife. 

Cuisine: Thai
